Set text hints for players
Last updated
Set text hints for players
Last updated
Available in ATB Pro and ATB Mini
In each game mode, the Game Master can define a maximum of 20 text hints for players. Hints can be grouped by game steps, so players will read it in a defined order. For example a hint defined in step 2, cannot be read if the step 1 hint wasn't discovered.
Text hint will be show on the display for 30 seconds.
Slot number
Choose the slot number for the text hints. There are 20 slots in total.
Keycode to be typed in the ATB. -1 = slot disabled
At what step of the game can the hints be read. If you leave all the hints in step 1, they can be read as soon as the related codes are found.
Hint message that will shown on the display. It can have a maximum of 200 characters.